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Message from Ernie Mills at the Durham Rescue Mission

Posted on Thu, Jul 2, 2020

COVID-19 Update

Dear Friend,  
The news recently reported an “Outbreak” of COVID-19, the dreaded Coronavirus here at the Mission.
Well, here’s the rest of the story!
We have had two families (mothers and their children) test positive for COVID-19. Both are now well again, quarantines finished, and the illness contained. It is that simple.
What the news didn’t report are the valiant efforts of those who serve the mission during this time of change and need for heightened precautions to protect those who come through our doors for help.
Every day at the mission, since early March when the pandemic changed our worlds, we have taken staff and client temperatures DAILY to monitor health to catch any illness early.
And we were SUCCESSFUL in that effort.
Both cases were indeed caught early, quarantined, and encouraged to heal in their rooms at the Mission instead of being put out on the streets.
We cared for them in their time of need. Because that is what we do here at the Durham Rescue Mission.
Our staff and clients have risen to the heightened demand for keeping the mission sanitized and safe for all who call it home.
So, have we had an outbreak at the Mission? Yes, we have had an outbreak of even greater love, closeness and sense of family as we all band together in this time of uncertainty.
For almost 46 years now the Mission has stood for being a rock that shows the love of Jesus to those in need. We have not wavered ever in that mission and we will not now.
We are thankful for the Lord's ever-present protection, we are thankful for our staff who work tirelessly, we are thankful for you our friends and donors who stand behind us and know our truth.
Thank you and God bless you,

Ernie and Gail Mills