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Special Prayer Request

Posted on Tue, Apr 27, 2010

from Stephen Poindexter

Dear Prayer Partners,

I have just received an update from the field and want to share some prayer requests with you.  We ask that you please pray with us continuously over the next few days about the following requests:

Well:  The well drilling company that we have a contract with has started drilling our well.  They have gone 60 feet and no water yet.  Their equipment seems to have some problems with it but they will continue drilling today if their equipment is working.  Please pray specifically that they would find good drinking water in abundance where they are drilling.  Drilling a well is a very expensive but necessary task to have done.  If they are unable to find water we do not have the resources to pay to try again so please pray that God would provide good water now as they are drilling.  We still owe the well drilling company $4000.00.  Please pray that God would raise this money so the contract can be paid when the work is complete.

House:  The construction of the foundation of our house continues.  More blocks are being made and the work is slowly continuing.  The well drilling rig blocks the road to where the house is so any materials have to be carried up the hill by hand and in wheel barrows.  Pray for these men, some believers and some are not, that are working on the house.  Pray for their safety and that God would use this project to bring those that are not believers to Christ.  Please also pray that God would provide all the funds that are needed to complete the house. 

Car:  In our last prayer update we made known the fact that when Stephen left Liberia a few weeks ago our car broke down and quite a lot of work had to be done to it.  A mechanic in Monrovia has been working on the car.  Our team mate, Stefan, went down to check on the status of the repairs.  He was not pleased with the work and has left the car for further repair work.  Please pray that the car that God has provided for us would be able to be fixed and ready for our families arrival.  A good dependable vehicle is a necessity in Liberia.  Please pray that we would have the money to fix the car and to buy the needed supplies for it.  This is God's car and he will provide for it if He wills.  Thank you for praying.


Veronica and Baby:  Thank you for praying for Veronica and new daughter that will be born soon.  Veronica has been having a lot of contractions very close together.  She feels like the baby could come at any minute.  Please pray for her comfort, good health and strength in the, hopefully, soon coming delivery. 

Special request:  While Stephen was in Liberia he was able to go out into the bush and teach in a village called Voe.  There in Voe we met a small boy named John with a growth on his back.  This growth looks like a tail.  Pictures were taken of this and several doctors were consulted about what this is and would could possibly be done.  It was decided that this "tail" should be taken off because if the boy continues to grow up with this, one day it could rupture and kill him.  Stefan will be flying the boy and one of his parents out of the bush and taking them down to Monrovia this week to have the surgery.  Pray for safety in traveling for Stefan and for this boy whose name is John. 

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for our family.

Serving Him Together,

Stephen, Veronica, Tabitha and Luke Poindexter