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Thank you note from Missionary Fred Wall in Haiti

Posted on Tue, Feb 2, 2010

Greetings from the planet of Haiti:
Just a short note to says thanks for the love gift you sent in to help with the relief efforts due to the earth quake. The Central Plateau where we are has an ever increasing number of refugees moving into the area. Fortunately for us we have no tent cities as the people have moved in with family and friends. 15-25 people or so in a place twice the size of a master bathroom. The quake though as done more to cause the Haitian people to really care for one another like nothing else since the floods in 2004.
Also to let you know that a MAJOR accomplishment has been performed here at our place. We managed to "ration" the fruit cake you sent through January and into February before it became history.. But boy oh boy was it ever good.  Thanks for your love gift. I tried eating a couple of pieces left handed but it still got eaten very quickly. I am very fortunate to have a beautiful loving wife who allows me to share the gift. I just can't ever figure out why my slice is smaller than hers. She says she is looking out for me. so I don't lose my school boy figure.
Thanks for all your love,prayers and support. Fred & Joyce Wall

PS:  keep lookin up. He's acomin ready or not, AMEN??